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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge




A novice is an untrained person. Each novice can be trained as a recruit in any structure, or trained as mana in your Sanctum. This is your primary source of reinforcements during a game. Some spells also instantly create novices.

Novices in a Town or Colony
(with Recruit Training Icons)

Novices in a Sanctum
(with Recruit and Mana Training Icons)

Novice Rules

Properties of Novices

Novice Production

Novices and Structures

Spells that Affect Novices

Which spells create novices?

Which spells eliminate novices?

Which spells otherwise affect novices?

Novice Rules

Novice Interaction

  • Structure sidebar. First, click on the structure on the board to open the structure sidebar.
  • Novice button. Each novice is depicted as a button (draggable icon) at the bottom of the structure sidebar.
  • Training icons. Training icons (non-draggable) are shown in the bottom border of the structure sidebar.
  • Untargetable. Novice buttons and training icons are not spell targets. They cannot be targeted by any spells. Some spells affect novices without targeting them!
  • Drag-and-drop. You train a novice by dragging its button and dropping it onto a training icon. The novice is immediately marked as “committed”, but is not actually trained yet (until you click Confirm Orders). To untrain the novice, just redrag it.

Properties of Novices

  • Nation. Each novice has a nation, but no stats or abilities.
  • No sprite. Novices don’t appear on the board. They are visible as buttons only when you peek into their structure.
  • No presence. Novices don't move. They don't prevent enemy groups from entering their structure.
  • No puissance. Novices don't fight. They have no effect in combat.

Novice Production

  • Frequency. Owned structures produce new novices at regular intervals.
  • Owner's nation. All novices produced in a structure are of the structure owner's nation.
    • If you capture a structure from your opponent, it will produce your novices as long as you own it.
    • Some spells modify the nations of novices produced in structures.

Novices and Structures

  • Max 8. Each novice-producing structure can hold a maximum of 8 novices.
    • If a structure is full, it won’t generate any more novices. Corollary: It will no longer trigger any spells that respond to novice creations!
  • Non-capturable. Whenever a structure is captured, all novices in the structure are eliminated. Hint: Use them or lose them!

Spells that Affect Novices

Which spells create novices?

  • Allies (2 Elves), Army of Light (2 Visions), Spawn of Toganni (2 Gargoyles): These spells create 2 novices of the specified nation in the target structure (regardless of the structure owner's house).
  • Fertility: This spells speeds up its target structure's novice production rate to 1 novice every turn.
  • Chalice of Hope: This spell speeds up all owned structures' novice production rate to 1 novice every turn.

Which spells eliminate novices?

  • Insurrection: Eliminates all novices in its target structure immediately.
  • Census: Eliminates all novices in all structures when it expires.
  • Pestilence: Eliminates all novices in all structures immediately.

Which spells otherwise affect novices?

  • Djibari's Legacy: This spell causes all subsequently produced or created novices to be Imps, instead of their normal nations.
  • Kumatru Academy: This spell causes its structure to start producing super-archer recruits instead of novices.
  • Runts: This spell causes its structure to start producing two weak swordsmen recruits instead of novices.
  • Usam University: This spell generates mana for each novice in its structure.

v2.20.00 Last updated 2009/03/22




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