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Leaving a Group


When a Minion Leaves a Group


What spells cause a minion to leave its group?


When a Minion Leaves a Group. As you know, there is no way to unjoin a group. However, some spells can cause a minion to leave its group, yet remain in play. The following rules apply:

  • Keep your own spells. The minion's individual spells remain intact (unless the spell explicitly states that it dispels them).
  • Can't take it with you. When a minion leaves a group, it has all group spells dispelled, even non-visible ones. This is to prevent proliferation of group spells. (This is the only situation in the game where non-visible spells are dispelled.)
    • If the original group still contains other minions, they keep all of their group spells intact. Only the leaving minion loses its copies of the original group's spells.
    • If the minion was the only member of its group, it still loses all group spells when it leaves! (Then its original group would be left empty, so any group spells are simply lost.)
    • Exception: If the minion has any group mother spells, then its own copies of those group mothers' child spells are not dispelled, even if they are group spells. (The mother spell rule of "its effect goes with it” supercedes this rule of “you can't take it with you”.)
  • Overstack. A new empty group is immediately created, and the minion is added to it. This creates a temporary overstack in the square, since the square now contains both the original group and the new group.
  • Unstack. The minion's new group is immediately moved “somewhere else”, to restore the square stacking limit.


What spells cause a minion to leave its group?

  • Ch'tai Exchange: This spell causes one recruit from each player to leave their respective groups, then join the other recruit's group. Note that it properly preserves both original groups' group spells, even when both groups are of size 1!
  • Soul Jar, Vision Quest: These spells make 1 recruit leave its group, then take that recruit's new group off the board.




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