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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge



Soul Jar

Soul Jar
House of Death
A Revolutions Card

Rarity: Uncommon, Casting: 3, 1

In the moment that a conscious soul draws back the curtain between worlds and plunges into the dark abyss, its body, crude broken ship of its voyage above, may be physically thrust after it into the Lower Realms. This interloper is soon sent back, its owner forced to pilot it anew; it reawakens with the keenest disappointment, and a hollow chuckle in its ears.

Cast on friendly recruit group. During combat, when any recruit in group is dying, recruit disappears, is fully healed, and has all group and individual spells dispelled, and Soul Jar is dispelled. (New group reappears at start of turn if its square is unoccupied, or on the earliest turn thereafter.)





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