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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge



Winged Monkeys

Winged Monkeys
House of Abomination
A Revolutions Card

Rarity: Rare, Casting: 3, 2

"One dreamt of wings, the other of hands -- yet what mind can wield both? And so their abominable offspring go mad. O, be careful what you wish for aloud -- an Imp might grant it!" -- Nettlebeard's Lament

H:3 A:1 HP:2(x3) L:1 Nomadic, Flight. Creates three Winged Monkeys. Withdraws at the start of combat round 3. At end of combat, enemy group is carried to to a random adjacent unoccupied non-structure square, and Winged Monkeys are removed from the game.





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