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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge




House of Unmaking
An Oppositions Card

Rarity: Rare, Casting: 4, 2

"Misfits raise Gnax for food, and Badlands human tribes will hunt them on occasion, but the taste is unreliable. We dined on roasted Gnax at a Seulik encampment, and the meat, unseasoned, tasted of lemons, spoiled fish, ginger, and lead." -- Journal of Lienna: Volume VI

H:2 A:0 HP:4(x2-8) L:0 Territorial. Creates two to eight Gnax. When a Gnax damages a Dwarf, the Dwarf gets Chaos Feature. (A recruit who gets 3 or more Chaos Features changes into a Misfit.)





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