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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge



Djinni Debate

Djinni Debate
House of Mind
An Oppositions Card

Rarity: Common, Casting: 1, 1

In the original 'Djinni debate', the Ch'tai and Sar'ul Academies split over the treatment of the Cyclopes. Rival polemicists stood and spoke nonstop for twelve years. Many nations now use the phrase to mean 'paralyzing indecision'.

Cast on town or colony. Enemy town no longer generates its 1 mana. On friendly town, caster re-selects town's mana type. (Mana-generating spells on the town are not affected.) Duration: Turn of casting +2. Dispelled if town is captured.





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