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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge




House of Justice
An Oppositions Card

Rarity: Rare, Casting: 4, 2

"Judgment is not tangential and contingent, but inevitable; each action contains its price within it, and the execution of Justice is implacable, though its Agents vary." -- Sayings of Pantogar

H:4 A:1 HP:10(x2) L:2 Flight, Moves 2. Cast on recruit group. Creates two Tindelhunden in a random edge square. They hunt target group, switching sides if necessary. When target group dies, or is dispelled, Tindelhunden are removed from the game. Humans get -1 damage per Tindelhund. Only one on a group.





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